Making the most of your water
Save money and the environment with rainwater harvesting tanks. Learn how these systems can provide sustainable water solutions.
In these tough economic times people are always looking for ways to save on their monthly expenditure. Although not the cheapest thing to buy initially, water harvesting systems are a great way to save money in the long term.
How do they work and where would I keep one?
The rainwater is collected in the gutters of your property which are connected to pipes which lead to the rainwater harvesting tank.
If you require water to be used in your home and not just your garden, a filter will be needed. This will ensure that there are no grit or leaves and the water is then suitable for domestic use.
With most systems, tanks can be topped up with mains water supply to make sure that water is in constant supply. In the unlikely event that the UK doesn’t get any rain, tanks are equipped with a sensor that allows the mains back up to take over if water levels fall too low.
Although rainwater tanks can be kept at ground level, it is recommended that tanks are stored below ground to protect from frost.
By utilising rainwater harvesting systems not only will you have major savings and not be at the mercy of the utilities companies, you will be having a positive impact on the environment.
Water harvesting is just one small step we can take to be self sufficient and save the planet! Like anything good, these measures we take are not inexpensive, Ground Source Heating, Energy Efficient Windows, Solar Panels and Wind Turbines are other systems that are used to reduce our carbon footprints.
New or old?
With a lot of new properties today, the more basic schemes such as solar panels are often specified by architects and the more energy conscious clients when developments are at the planning stage. On larger scale commercial developments in certain areas, SUDS schemes, will be a standard requirement.
Even on older properties, along with making sure the best insulation is fitted where possible, most of the aforementioned systems can be retrospectively added.
Want to know more?
View our range of rainwater harvesting tanks
The above article is aimed at being a guide to give our customers the basic information they need when looking at these types of systems. At Buildershop UK, we are on hand 7 days a week to offer free, impartial advice on any of the Eco Building Products that you will find on the market. If you require any more help and advice, please contact us where we will do our best to help.