Building your own home? Here are the key things to consider
You’ve secured the perfect plot and you’re ready to take the next big step in building your dream home. The entire process is both a rewarding and fulfilling experience. At times you will feel overwhelmed, but creating a home tailored completely to you requires passion and perseverance. After all, only you can turn your dream into reality.
Our following tips are perfect for those of you who are in the very early stages of taking on this huge endeavour.
Ask yourself plenty of questions
Think carefully about your build and ask yourself:
• What is the purpose of building my own property?
• Are you renting it out?
• What style of build do you want?
• Will it be single or multi storey?
• How will your lifestyle fit around the home?
• How long do you expect to live there?
Also think carefully about the interior layout. Will the kitchen be near the entrance of your house so you can empty your shopping bags quickly?
Even the slightest of details, such as the direction in which the doors open, will give you a clear vision early on.
Get a Pinterest account
Begin collaging designs. Mood boards are often associated with interiors, but there is nothing wrong with trying it out for your build exterior too. It provides an opportunity to visualise what building materials, colours and house styles you like. Your architect will be pleased to see it, as it will provide an insight into your personality and lifestyle. Blackbird Architects have some examples and the same page also offers some insight into how architects present their ideas to you.
Research building materials
Take time to consider what building materials you want to use for your house build, both internally and externally. Natural materials are wonderful, but can sometimes come at a price, as does glass. Some materials will be absolute necessities for you, and some you will want to compromise on. Think about the essentials early on to make sure you have the budget to source them.
Be aware of the commitment
Building a new home from scratch is at the very least a part-time job, especially if you intend to project manage the house build yourself. The Sunny Side Up Blog offers advice from a couple who did it themselves and is worth a read.
Get a good team
We can’t guarantee that you won’t encounter any shock costs or issues along the way, but if you have a strong team supporting you, then these problems will be easier to overcome.
However, stay strong in your decision making. Yes, you will have experts constantly surrounding you with the benefit of their experience, but this is your house and your development. Weigh up the pros and cons but do what is right for you.
Prepare yourself for the long haul...
Building your own home can be a long process. According to the Self Build Portal, it can typically take about two years. That includes finding the site right up to moving in.
You’ll be amazed to know that just over half of this time is on the admin, from sorting planning permissions to finding your Preferred Contractors. Roughly six to nine months is spent constructing.
Time spent on administration can depend on the quality of your plot and the style of house, so read up on the intricacies of home construction and find case studies to discover budgets, what challenges you could face and ideas on how to overcome them. Homebuilding and Renovating offers some fine examples of house builds to suit every budget and style and is a good starting point.
You’ll undoubtedly make mistakes when building your home, but there’s always a way to resolve them. With a well thought out plan, as well as efficient communication with your team, you’ll deliver this challenge and reap the rewards with a home that suits you perfectly.